Publications 2008- 2018 - Professor Carlota Saldanha
Carlota Saldanha and Ana S. Silva-Herdade Chapter 3. Fibrinogen Involvement in Hemorheology and Inflammation (pp. 115-146) Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 128 Editors: Leon V. Berhardt Series: Advances in Medicine and Biology Binding: Hardcover Pub. Date: 2018 - February ISBN: 978-1-53613-272-4 (
Saldanha C and Silva-Herdade AS (2018) Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase is a signaling receptor Nov Appro Drug Des Dev. 3(4) : NAPDD.MS.ID. 555617 DOI:10.19080/NAPDD.2018.03.555617
Saldanha C, Freitas T and Silva-Herdade AS (2018) Effects of indomethacin on erythrocyte nitric oxide metabolism and erythrocyte deformability Medical Research Archives, vol. 6, issue 4, April 2018 issue Page 1 of 11
Saldanha C, Freitas T and Silva-Herdade AS (2018) Fibrinogen Effects of Erythrocyte Nitric Oxide Metabolism in Presence of Timolol. Clin Med Invest, 3 (1): 1-5 doi: 10.15761/CMI.1000154 (
Saldanha C, Freitas T and Silva-Herdade AS (2018) Timolol Effects on Erythrocyte Nitric Oxide Metabolism. Clin Hemorheol Microc, 69:165-173. (
Saldanha C and Silva-Herdade AS (2018) Chapter 7 .Erythrocyte nitric oxide. In - "Novel Prospects Based on Oxidative / Nitrosative Stress in Health and Disease"
Saldanha C, Silva –Herdade Ana (2018) Erythrocyte Reactive Nitrogen Species in Health and Disease Frontiers in Physiology submitted
Silva-Herdade AS, Sequeira A, Calado Â, Saldanha C, and Kafi O ( 2017) Hydrodynamics of a free-flowing leukocyte toward the endothelial wall. Microvasc Res 112, 7-13. (IF: 2.371)
Saldanha C (2017) Human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase in Health and disease. Molecules Sep 8;22 (9). pii: E1499. doi: 10.3390/molecules22091499 (IF 2.988)
Saldanha C and Silva-Herdade AS (2017) Physiological properties of erythrocytes in inflammation. J Cel Biotec 3, 15-20.
Saldanha C, Messias A. (2017) Sepsis needs follow-up studies in intensive care units- Another avenue for translational research. Nov Appro Drug Des Dev. 1(1): NAPDD.MS.ID. 555555,ISSN: 2575-8942.
Saldanha C and Silva-Herdade AS (2017) Erythrocyte as Therapeutic target Nov Appro Drug Des Dev. 2(3) : NAPDD.MS.ID. 555590 ISSN: 2575-8942,
A.Santini, T. Freitas, C,Saldanha and A. Silva-Herdade (2017) Lipoproteins effects on erythrocyte nitric oxide metabolism and biorheology. Clin Med Invest 2, 1-5
Napoleão P, Carmo MM, Pinheiro T. (2017) Prognostic evaluation of soluble CD40L in acute myocardial infarction: is not fancy, is science! Ann Transl Med. 5, 90. doi: 10.21037/atm.2017.01.58
Silva-Herdade, AS, Andolina, G, Faggio, Caterina, Calado, A, Saldanha, C. (2016) Erythrocyte deformability: a partner of the inflammatory response. Microvascular Research, 107, 34-38. (Journal IF: 2.574, Citations: 2)
Napoleão P, Potapova E, Moleirinho S, Saldanha C and Messia A (2016) Soluble CD40 ligand profiles in patients with septic shock. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 64, 965-970. (DOI 10.3233/CH-168026) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations: )
Saldanha C (2016) Physiological role of erythrocyte nitric oxide. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 64, 517-520. (DOI 10.3233/CH-168028) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations:0 )
Napoleão P, Freitas F and Saldanha C (2016) Effect of oxidized LDL on erythrocyte nitric oxide metabolism. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 64, 971-975. (DOI 10.3233/CH-168025) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations:0)
Esteves R, Freitas T, Teixeira P, Napoleão P, Neves C and Saldanha C (2016) Erythrocyte nitric oxide in glaucoma patients – ex vivo study. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 64, 989-994. (DOI 10.3233/CH-168049) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations:0 )
Duarte C, Napoleão P, Freitas F and Saldanha C (2016) An ex vivo study of nitric oxide efflux from human erythrocytes in both genders. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 64, 951-955. (DOI 10.3233/CH-168023) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations: 0)
Silva-Herdade AS, Freitas T, Almeida JP and Saldanha C (2016) Fibrinogen signalling in erythrocyte nitric oxide mobilization in presence of PI3-K and adenylyl cyclase inhibitors. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3, 28-34 (Journal IF: 3.881, Citations: 1)
Duarte C, Pinto S, Napoleão P, Pronto-Laborinho AC, Barros MA, Freitas T, de Carvalho M, Saldanha C (2016) Identification of erythrocyte biomarkers in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 63, 423-437. (DOI 10.3233/CH-162066) (Journal IF: 1.857, Citations:0)
Napoleão P, Cabral LBP, Selas M, Freixo C, Monteiro MC, Criado MB, Costa MC, Enguita FJ, Viegas-Crespo AM, Saldanha C, Mota Carmo M, Ferreira RC, Pinheiro P (2016) Stratification of ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients based on soluble CD40L longitudinal changes. Translational Research 176, 95. (DOI 10.1016/j.trsl.2016.04.005) (Journal IF:4.557, Citations:1)
Teixeira P, Napoleão P, Saldanha C. (2015) S-nitrosoglutathione efflux in the erythrocyte. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 60, .397-404 (IF: 2.242, Citations : 0)
. Vitorino de Almeida V,. Silva-Herdade A,. Calado A, Rosário H.S.,. Saldanha C. (2015) Fibrinogen modulates leukocyte recruitment in vivo during the acute inflammatory response. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, .59, .97-106 (IF: 2.242, Citations : 2)
Saldanha C. (2015) Instrumental analysis applied to erythrocyte properties. Journal of Cellular Biotechnology, .1, .81-93
Teixeira P • Duro N • Napoleão P • Saldanha C. (2015) Acetylcholinesterase Conformational States Influence Nitric Oxide Mobilization in the Erythrocyte. J Membrane Biol, .248, .349-354 DOI 10.1007/s00232-015-9776-y (IF: 2.457, Citations: 0)
Silva-Herdade AS, Freitas T, Almeida JP, Saldanha C (2015) Erythrocyte deformability and nitric oxide mobilization under pannexin-1 and PKC dependence. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 59, 155-162 (IF: 2.242, Citations : 1)
Barvitenk N N, Aslam M, Lawen A, Pantaleo A, Saldanha C, Matteucci E (2015) Effects of Oxygen Depletion on Transmembrane Protein Activities Current Organic Chemistry,19, 2002-2010 (IF 2,728, Citations 0)
Saldanha C, Freitas T, Lopes de Almeida JP, Silva-Herdade AS (2014) Signal transduction pathways in erythrocyte nitric oxide metabolism under high fibrinogen levels. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 26, 217-223 (Journal IF: 0.693, Citations: 0) (DOI: 10.1007/s13367-014-0024-2;
Saldanha C, Lopes de Almeida JP, Silva-Herdade AS (2014) Application of a Nitric Oxide Sensor in Biomedicine. Biosensors 4, 1-17 (Journal IF: , Citations: ) (doi:10.3390/bios4010001 )
Vitorino de Almeida V, Calado A, Silva-Herdade AS, Rosário HS and Saldanha C. (2014) An in vitro study on the modulation of the neutrophil adhesive behavior by soluble fibrinogen Clin Hemorheol and Microcirc 56, 47–56 (Journal IF: 2.215, Citations: 0) (DOI 10.3233/CH-121662)
Saldanha C, Silva-Herdade AS. (2014) The Ubiquity Nature of Acetylcholine. Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology 4, 3 (Journal IF: 2.405 , Citations: 0) (
Saldanha C, Teixeira P, Santos-Freitas T, Napoleão P. (2013) Timolol modulates erythrocyte nitric oxide bioavailability. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 4, 3
Barvitenko, N.N., Aslam, M., Filosa, J., Matteucci, E., Nikinmaa, M., Pantaleo, A., Saldanha, C., Baskurt, O.K. (2013) Tissue oxygen demand in regulation of the behavior of the cells in the vasculature. Microcirculation 26 (Epub ahead of print) (Journal IF: 2.574, Citations: 0)
Silva-Herdade AS, Saldanha C. (2013) Effects of acetylcholine on an animal model of inflammation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 53 (1),195-202. (Journal IF: 3.389, Citations: 1)
Saldanha C. (2013) Fibrinogen interaction with the red blood cell membrane. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 53(1) 39-44. (Journal IF: 3.389, Citations: 0)
de Oliveira S, Vitorino de Almeida V, Calado A, Rosário HS, Saldanha C. (2012) Integrin-associated protein (CD47) is a putative mediator for soluble fibrinogen interaction with human red blood cells membrane. Biochim Biophys Acta 1818(3), 481-90. (Impact Factor: 5.000 Times Cited: 2)
de Almeida VV, Calado A, Rosário HS, Saldanha C. (2012) Differential effect of soluble fibrinogen as a neutrophil activator. Microvasc Res. 83(3), 332-6. (Impact Factor: 2.828 Times Cited: 0)
Saldanha C, Loureiro J, Moreira C, Silva JM. (2012) Behaviour of human erythrocyte aggregation in presence of autologous lipoproteins. Biochem Res Int. 2012, 261736 (Impact Factor: 0.182 Times Cited: 0)
Saldanha, C., Freitas, T., Almeida, JP. (2012) Fibrinogen effects on erythrocyte nitric oxide mobilization in presence of acetylcholine. Life Sci. 91(21-22), 1017-22. (Impact Factor: 2.527 Times Cited: 0)
de Oliveira, P. , Gomes, AQ, Pacheco, TR; Vitorino de Almeida, V; Saldanha, C; Calado, A. (2012) Cell-specific regulation of acetylcholinesterase expression under inflammatory conditions. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 51(2), 129-37. (Impact Factor: 3.398; Times Cited: 0)
Lopes de Almeida, JP, Freitas-Santos, T, Saldanha, C. (2012) Erythrocyte deformability dependence on band 3 protein in an in-vitro model of hyperfibrinogenemia. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 50(3), 213-9. (Impact Factor: 3.398; Times Cited: 1)
Lopes de Almeida JP, de Oliveira S, Saldanha C. (2012) Erythrocyte as a biological sensor. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 51(1),1-20. (Impact Factor: 3.398; Times Cited: 0)
P. de Oliveira, AQ Gomes, TR Pacheco, V Vitorino de Almeida, C Saldanha, A Calado, (2012) Cell-specific regulation of acetylcholinesterase expression under inflammatory conditions. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 51(2), 129-37.
Silva-Herdade, AS., Saldanha, C. (2011) Hemorheological Effects of Valsartan in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats. The Open Circ Vasc J 4, 1-5.
Lopes de Almeida, JP, Freitas-Santos, T, Saldanha, C. (2011) Evidence that the degree of band 3 phosphorylation modulates human erythrocytes nitric oxide efflux - in vitro model of hyperfibrinogenemia. Clin Hemorheol Microc 49 (1), 407-16.
Saldanha, C, Lopes de Almeida, JP. (2011) Erythrocyte as a link between basic and clinical research. Clinical Hemorheol and Microc 49 (1), 463-72.
Santos, MJ, Pedro, LM, Canhão, H, Fernandes e Fernandes, J, Canas da Silva, J, Fonseca, JE, Saldanha C. (2011) Hemorheological parameters are related to subclinical atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis patients. Atherosclerosis 219(2), 821-6.
Lopes de Almeida JP, Freitas-Santos, T, Saldanha C. (2011) Erythrocyte deformability dependence on Band 3 protein in an in vitro model of hyperfibrinogenemia. Clin Hemorh Microc 44, 1-6.
Lopes de Almeida JP, Freitas-Santos, T, Saldanha C. (2011) Evidence that the degree of band 3 phosphorylation modulates human erythrocytes nitric oxide efflux-in vitro model of hyperfibrinogenemia. Clin Hemorh Microc 49,407-416
Saldanha C, Lopes de Almeida JP (2011) erythrocyte as a link between basic and clinical research Clin Hemorh Microc 49,463-472
Martin Martins J, Vale S, Ferreira F, Fagundes MJ, Carmo I, Saldanha C, Martins E Silva J (2010) Plasma corticotropin releasing hormone during the feeling of induced emotions. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 31:250-5
Lopes de Almeida JP, Saldanha C.( 2010) Dithiothreitol revisited in red cells: a new head for an old hat. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc.;46:51-6
Lopes de Almeida JP, Saldanha C. (2010) Nonneuronal cholinergic system in human erythrocytes: biological role and clinical relevance. J Membr Biol. 234:227-34.
Santos NC, Silva JM, Freitas T, Doroana M, Duarte N, Tavares L, Antunes F, Saldanha C. (2010) Blood cell membrane fluidity and intracellular Ca2+ changes in antiretroviral-naïve and -treated HIV-1-infected patients. Scientific World Journal. 10:350-5
de Oliveira S, Saldanha C.( 2010) An overview about erythrocyte membrane. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc.;44:63-74.
Saldanha C, Lopes de Almeida JP, Freitas T, de Oliveira S, Silva-Herdade A. (2010) Erythrocyte deformability responses to shear stress under external and internal influences Séries on Biomechanics 25:54-60
De Oliveira, S. and Saldanha, C. (2009) An overview about erythrocyte membrane. Clin. Hemorheol Microcirc. doi 10-3233/CH-2009-1253.
Lopes de Almeida, J.P., Carvalho, F.A., Silva-Herdade, A.S., Santos-Freitas, T., Saldanha, C. (2009) Redox thiol status plays a central role in the mobilization and metabolism of nitric oxide in human red blood cells. Cell Biol Int 33 , 268-275.
Sequeira, A., Artoli, A.M., Silva-Herdade, A.S. Saldanha, C. (2009) Leukocytes dynamics in microcirculation under shear-thining blood flow. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 58:1035-1044.
Lopes de Almeida, J.P., Freitas-Santos, T., Saldanha, C. (2009) Fibrinogen-dependent signaling in microvascular erytrocyte finction: implications on nitric oxide efflux. J Membr Biol 231:47-53
Carvalho, F.A., de Almeida, J.P., Freitas-Santos, T., Saldanha, C. (2009) Modulation of erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity and its association with G protein-band 3 interactions. J Membr Biol 228, 89-97.
Artoli AM, Sequeira A, Silva-Herdade AS, Saldanha C (2008) Localized hydrodynamics of clustering leukocytes. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 39 (1-4), 375-380.
Carvalho FA, Almeida JP, Fernandes IO, Freitas-Santos T, Saldanha C. (2008) Non-neuronal cholinergic system and signal transduction pathways mediated by band 3 in red blood cells. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 40:207-227.
de Oliveira S, Silva-Herdade AS, Saldanha C. (2008) Modulation of erythrocyte deformability by PKC activity. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 39 , 363-373.
Almeida JP, Carvalho FA, Freitas T, Saldanha C. (2008) Modulation of hemorheological parameters by the erythrocyte redox thiol status. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 40, 99-111.
Vieira CR, Castanho M, Saldanha C, Santos NC. (2008) Enfuvirtide effects on human erythrocytes and lymphocytes functional properties. J Pept Sci 14, 448-454
Canhão H, Fonseca JE, Caetano-Lopes J, Saldanha C, Queiroz MV. (2008) Assessment of laboratory measurements and -308 TNFalpha gene promoter polymorphisms in normal bone mineral density. Clin Rheumatol 27, 301-307.
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Maria Carlota Saldanha Lopes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Born in 28/7/1947 , Beira, Moçambique
1972 - Degree in Chemical Engineering - Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
1973-86 - Teaching Assistant, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa (FMUL)
1986 - PhD thesis in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
1986- 93 – Assistant, Professor Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa
1993 - 2004- Associate, Professor Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa
Since 1997: President of Sociedade Portuguesa de Hemorreologia e Microcirculação (SPHM) 2000/2007 - Head of Vascular Biopathology Unit in Instituto de Medicina Molecular of FMUL 2004 – 2017 - Associate Professor with Habilitation in FMUL
2005 - Master Degree in Medical Education
2006- Habilitation in Functional Sciences at FMUL
2007-2017 Head of Microvascular Biology and Inflammation (CSaldanha Lab) in Instituto de Medicina Molecular of FMUL
Since 2006: Colaborator in CEMAT –FCT
Since 2017: - Professor Jubilated of FMUL
Pedagogical, Planning and Evaluation Activities
1987 - Member of the Students Admission Committee of FMUL
1993- 2000 Member of the Medical Education Office of FMUL 1994/2001 - Member of the Curriculum Implementation
1995- 2007 - Member of the Pedagogical Council of FMUL
1997/2007 - Pedagogical Coordinator of the 1st year of Medical Course 2001/2005 - Member of Curriculum Comission
2002/2009 - Member of the Scientific Council of FMUL
2004-2017- Member of the Evaluation Comission of Medical Course FMUL- UMa 2004/2010 - Coordinator of the Planning and Evaluation Office of FMUL
2005 -2017 Pedagogical Coordinator of the 2nd year of Medical Course
2007- 2013- Member of the Quality Assurance Council in University of Lisbon
Since 2010: Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the 5th Eurosummer School on Biorheology Symposium on Micro and Nano Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems
Activities in Scientific Societies
Since 1991: Member of the “European Clinical Hemorheology Coordinating Committee” 1994-1997 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Clinical Hemorheology
Since 1997: Member of the Editorial Board of the Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
Since 1997: President of Sociedade Portuguesa de Hemorreologia e Microcirculação
Since 1997: Editor – in - Chief of the Bulletin of the SPHM Since 2000: Member of the “Strategic Group of the European Society of Microcirculation” Since 2009: Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Circulation and Vascular Journal
2013 - 2016 – President of the 18th European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
Since 2014: Editorial member of the Sciedu Press, Case Reports in Clinical Pathology
Since 2015: Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Cellular Biotechnology Since 2015: Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Eye Disease
Since 201: Member of Review Editors section of Frontiers of Physiology (Red Blood Cell )
Scientific Interests: Biochemistry; Cellular Physiology; Erythrocyte membrane; Enzimology; Metabolism. Inflammation. Vascular Biology. Vascular diseases. Signal transduction mechanism.
Pedagogical Competencies: Quality Assurance. Medical Education. Pedagogical skills Publications on International Peer Review Journal – 139 until 2018April
Publications on National journals: - 126